

PhDs Students

Hyunjee Kim, Older adults and designing pleasurable environments

Wenjiao Wang, Interface design for older adults

Siwen Liu, Using electromechanical conceptual references to design for older adults

Engin Kapkin, Form, Emmotion and Communicating Experience

Hongyang Liu, Topic not yet submitted

Mengchao Lai, Topic not yet submitted

Masters Students

2016 Jennifer Peavey
Byungsoo Kim
William Bradley
Alek Walker
2015 David Edison
Haidy El-Borombaly
Jimena Vergara
2014 Brian Franson, Drowsy Driver, Keeping the Shift Worker Awake
Wesley Hare, Sketching the user experience for creating next generation graphics tablets
Warren Ginn, Materials and Processes Education for an Undergraduate Industrial Design Curriculum
2013 Christina Harrington, Developing Inclusive Design Research Methods: Promoting Peer Interactions among Children with Autism

Mengchao Lai, Supporting ESL Student Experience in Collaborative Learning Environments

Lu Lu Wang, Heads up Interface Design in Extreme Environments

2012 Tanuja Ajay Patwardhan, Workstation Design for Precision Task-Sitting Postures During the Watchmaking ProcessMary

Elizabeth Miller, Co-Active Design project

2011 Timothy Bennett, Design for Duration: Exploring Human-Product Relationships to Sustain Product Attachment

David Bryan, Exhibit design

Josephine Dorsett, A Solution for Handling Kitchen Organic Waste

T. Hampton Freeman, Designed for Play

Paulina Jaurequi, Studying spaces, creating places. Case study: A bench design contest, as an illustration of interdisciplinary work

Engin Kapkin, Feedback Based Representation of Electricity Consumption in U.S. Residential Houses

2010 Tyler Gibson, Contextual Process Awareness and AutomationTaylor Leaf, Creation of minimal, long-lasting, root-respecting footwear brand

Tyler Thompson, Women’s Lacrosse Protective Gear: Challenging Existing Head, Face, and Eye Protection

2009 Andrew Peeler, Rugby Shoe Design

Rachel Wilson, Portion Control and Plate Design

Kent Harris, Capturing wind energy in turbulent conditions

Janell Moore, Culturally Sensitive Design Process: Implemented for Afghan Women

2008 Jamie Vodvarka, SME Manufacturing Collaboration: Creating Venues to Wealth Through Independent Innovation

Undergraduate Students

Steven Valenziano, Universal Design Cookware Development, UD Case studies

Ashley Vercoe, Grip span and Aging, Universal design of tactile exhibits, Aging Suit Development